Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It all about the dots ...........

Hello -

Micro-currents in action
Over the past few weeks we have made many new friends and as the word spreads, many of you out there have been wondering what all the fuss is about. What's up with the "dots"? You know the little grey and brown rows that are imprinted on ONLY ONE side of the Procellera device. The dots that hold the bioelectric Prosit technology. Well those dots are very interesting little guys. Not only are they identical to the others of the same color (before use) , but upon activation with a conductive fluid, they come alive and start a game of catch! -- now not literally , but each pair of grey and brown dots form a micro-battery that releases electrons which travel from one dot to the other ..This current will continue until the one of two things occurs. Either the "battery" is dry and no longer activated .... or ... the source is used up. Fortunately, this is easy to determine when you look at the device. If its dry but dots still visible, just give it a drink  ... and if its just really faded from working non-stop for  days on end , the lights go off and the party is over ... (and please don't let them play for more than 7 days)  -- even if the dots look great .It's time to rotate the team roster and bring in the next group. This way you can be sure they will give you  a great workout.
Dots after several days
When the dot's lose their life spark and fade into the sunset, it's time for a change. Just keep an eye on those little powerhouses to be sure they are where they belong; in contact with the wound bed and skin edge . How will you know they are working ? That's easy -- but I can't give away all the answers .  You'll just have to try it and see for yourself .. and let me know how it goes .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Friday, December 3, 2010

Procellera listed among Key Innovations in the US for Diabetic Foot Care

Greetings to all and happy December! Happy .............. ( insert your own holiday) to all and may the coming year bring peace, health, and happiness to you and those in your life.

Over the past few weeks we have been meeting and greeting and training our newest Procellera users and hearing about the wonderful results they are seeing in their practices. Reports from our clinical sites have been so exciting!  Successful outcomes in cases of hidradenitis, peristomal ulcerations, stalled wounds failing multiple treatments , trauma , venous stasis ,  diabetic foot ulcers and amputation wounds have been among the recent mix of glowing reports. Clinical confirmation of initiation of healing in stalled wounds as well as overall faster healing as compared to other modalities. We are looking forward to joining our newest clinicians at our HCA facilities where we will be participating in some exciting research and furthering our clinical knowledge of wound management.

And before you go - be sure to check out the link to the recent article in woundsinternational.com. where Procellera is listed  as one of the Key Innovations in the U.S. in Diabetic Foot Care.  
The article provides a wonderful organized approach to the management of diabetic foot ulcers which emphasizes the appropriate use of technology which is best suited for the individual phases of wound healing. Procellera is included as one of the novel modalities to consider in the management of these wounds .

For anyone interested in clinical training or a product introduction, please contact me ( click the envelope on the right hand border of the page )

Season's Greetings everyone!      