Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Call for Abstracts and Poster Presenters

Any clinicians interested in submitting their Procellera case studies for poster presentation or written case report for any of the upcoming wound care educational meetings, please let us know. Vomaris Innovations is looking for authors and Clinical Poster Presentations for the upcoming calendar year. For more information please contact me, Linda Worth RPA-C via this site or Amy Ho at amyho@vomaris.com. Selected individuals may qualify for sponsorship to the conference of their choice. Hurry, abstract deadlines are approaching.

  LINK for SAWC April 2011 : http://spring.sawc.net/abstract-submission


 LINK for WOCN meeting June 2011 : http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=9nvcxkcab amp;v=001IgkAmL3YG5tLT5vnw1jd16K4T0yNHOhpuiwGvpYa6leE5F6NCGXLPiPli9cUumW5TmNgQtCQxBX-fKj2BRvnZ31OfTqSEE2CYKIZcxkAKEc%3D

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Have you had your WOW moment yet?

Hmmm, you think.. What are you asking?  I don't usually talk about my WOW moments with complete strangers. However,once you have experienced this feeling ( your WOW whatever) even you will want to share. Ok, so you still have no idea what I'm babbling about ... Well, if you work in wound care, I know you've had this happen to you . You remember, the patient(s) that just wouldn't heal.. You tried everything in your bag of tricks. You got a bigger bag of tricks..   but still nothing. But for those of you who are beginning to get where I'm going with this... you looked through the bag of samples from the last SAWC meeting (or insert your own conference) and you see a silver shimmering foil pouch which seemed to be speaking -
"try me" . Well, what do I have to lose? you think ,,, nothing else has worked-- why not give it a try ...   So you do ... and that's when it happened!
WOW! Maybe it was the patient telling you the wound wasn't so painful anymore. Or , it could have been the fact that after using all the tools on the shelf -- this one was really working ! Or maybe it happened  when you saw the healed wound and said to yourself -- WOW , that looks amazing ...  ooh there it is , that word - WOW . So now you see what the WOW moment is , and if you haven't had yours yet , what are you waiting for?  The "silver shimmering foil pouch"of Procellera is making its way to hospitals and clinics across the country. You can almost feel the "electricity" in the air.. So be on the lookout for your WOW moment when you join the ranks of Procellera users. And once you do -- please share your story here. Patients who have been healed using Procellera want their success stories to be told. So start unwrapping.....   and hurry !