Thursday, December 8, 2011

New Video Just Added

Hello all,
Please be sure to check out the latest case study just added. This case encompasses the true issues that our patients face when wound care outcomes fall short of expectation (a nice way of saying FAIL to HEAL).

Our patients deserve to succeed. I am a firm believer in the often quoted principle: If it "ain't broke, don't fix it" and in wound care this means, if something is working, then leave it be!

But...when progress isn't happening...then the wound clinician must intervene. And if after the checklist is completed :
  1. address underlying conditions-ie. vascular status , nutrition , pressure  
  2. wound bed prep - debride, infection control, moisture management and edge of wound status. 
Reassess the modality being used and if progress is not occurring a change in modality is probably needed. 

Please enjoy this video and let me know what you think.